Our Safety Policy
In order to comply with the General Safety & Health Provision for Construction (29 CFR 1926 Subpart C), D. DuBaldo Electric Co., LLC has established a formal, written safety and health program. It is the belief of D. DuBaldo Electric Co., LLC that our people are our most important asset and the preservation of employee safety and health must remain a constant consideration in every phase of our business. We will provide the resources necessary to manage, control, or eliminate all safety and health hazards.
All employees are responsible for working safely and productively. It is also the responsibility of our employees to develop an awareness and recognition of hazards in their work areas. Employees further have the responsibility to follow safe work practices, including the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where necessary. It is our belief that any safety and health program must have total employee involvement. Therefore, this program has management’s highest priority, support and participation. It is the intention of D. DuBaldo Electric Co., LLC to comply fully in a prudent manner with all occupational safety and health standards.
Our Goal
The primary goal of D. DuBaldo Electric Co., LLC is to continue operating a profitable business while protecting employees from injuries, illness or harm. This can be achieved in part by delegating responsibility and accountability to all involved in this company’s operation.
Responsibility: Having to answer for activities and results.
Accountability: The actions taken by management to insure the performance of responsibilities.
The benefits of achieving our goals are:
- Minimizing injuries and accidents
- Minimizing the loss of property and equipment
- Elimination of potential fatalities or permanent disabilities
- Elimination of potential OSHA fines
- Reductions in worker’s compensation costs
- Reduction in operating costs
- Having the best Safety and Health Conditions possible in the workplace